3 Replies

Hi mum, the best way to go about this is to give each food type at least three to four week's time. For instance, once you start your baby on liquids (ideally after the sixth month), continue for about a month with the same type of food. Once your baby is comfortable, move on to the semi-solid and feed that for about a month, and so on. The idea is that it will give your baby's delicate digestive system enough time to adjust to the changes. Also, you will find out if your baby is allergic to something and can take proper care for the same.

In the baby-led weaning perspective, babies are developmentally able to feed themselves chunks of family food right from the start of weaning, from 6mos. there's no transition programme /stages of food to follow. start with chunks (french-fry sized) of food that are firm enough to be gripped but soft enough to be gummed. around 9mos when baby is starting to grasp food with fingers (rather than whole palm), smaller pieces eg blueberries and peas would be interesting from 12mos, cutlery is introduced and modelled.

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