How can I encourage my baby to crawl? He is 8m and seems to have a very passive personality. If his toys are out of reach, he will try to extend his hands to reach but if cant he will just settle without them. tried all mthds to put his fave toys nearer/ further away and not pick out toys for him but none works. He also doesn't pass objects from hand to hand & dislike holding on objects. the only thing he can hold really well is his milk bottles during feeds. Any one face similar situation too? The pd doesn't seems very worried about it but I am!

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Every child is different. Some are fast and some are slow. If Yr PD isn't worried, nothing to be worried a time. If u r the person whom Yr BB looks forward to, you can be the bait. I do that often and with assistance from the daddy, he will try running towards me at the age of 8 mths old.

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