Baby Kicking

How to feel baby kicking at 21weeks 3days.i dont know whether its baby kicking or someother.. At lower abdomen i felt something like bubble exploing often. Like bubble explore. Is it baby kicking. Also i felt my stomach side something pulling.

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No worries. It will get stronger by the day and u wouldnt have doubt anymore

Hi, Enjoy all these feelings of your loved one to come into the world

Influencer của TAP

Aww it does sound like that. Like butterflies fluttering. Enjoy!

Thành viên VIP

It does sound like baby's movements...So exciting!

Thành viên VIP

Hi... what you’re feeling is your baby kicking

Yes that’s how baby kicking feels like :)

Super Mom

Enjoy the moments. Its wonderful 😍

Yes that’s the feeling! :)

Thành viên VIP

Yes that's the feeling!(:

Thành viên VIP

yes that's baby's kick