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My daughter is only 10 months old but this has been a recent topic with some mommy friends who have older kids. They said it is important to establish the concept of consent as early as we could. So simple things sa mundo ng bata -- no forcing them to "kiss tita or tito x" pag ayaw, no unwanted cuddles or kisses from people na ayaw (even people they know na, including mom and dad). No means no. The other thing was trusting their instincts. Acknowledging/Validating their feelings/thoughts properly. As much as possible, do not dismiss what they feel or think. Then yun nga, tell the kids not to allow anyone to get away with touching them when they are not comfortable maski pa sa arms lang or akbay maski tito or pinsan.

As early as toddlers, you make them aware that their body parts are to be take care of. Tell them that they shouldn't allow anyone except from you and/or the dad to touch it. If it happens, they have to resist or tell mom or dad about it asap.

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Caution them against unwanted touching. Teach them that all their "covered up" parts are off limits to anyone. It's important also to warn them that not everyone who's friendly is their friend.

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