How do you encourage your kids to read more?

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I think the best way to encourage reading--in younger children, at least--is to make reading fun. Make it interesting, vocal, and stimulating for them so they'll be enticed to read more often. Eventually, they'll feel the urge to read without you around as they grow older!

I try to read with them since they are still too young. I want them to get used to it and as they grow up, they'll develop the love of reading. They say, when you start reading to your kids at a young age, it's much easier for them to learn how to read as well.

I agree with Phil! Make it fun! :) Try reading them stories related to their interests and change your voice per character. You can also engage them by assigning them lines to read. So it can be a fun bonding experience too!

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Buy books that are colorful and always initiate the reading. Make the reading more animated also so that the kid can visualize the story.

Make it animated so they can easily relate to the story. It will make them become more interested and excited to ready books every time.

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Read to them, show them that reading is fun for you too :)