30 Các câu trả lời

I go simple ultrasound on week 15, dr direct spoke out the gender. I was shocked too.

Wow really😳 im on week 16 cant wait to scan🤪 anyway so happy for u❤️

Me at 13week using transvaginal scan.. With good baby's position that time and its a boy ☺

I aim baby boy. Now i have 4 daughters. Pray for me 😉(10w now)

21 weeks details scan. Hope true its my baby gender and dipermudahkan 💜

VIP Member

18 weeks. Im going for detailed scan and my baby reveal her gender🤣

14 weeks through Non-Invasive Chromosomal Evaluation test 💛

Hi can I know which hospital did you go for this test. I also want to test for any abnormalities with my baby. Abit worried

17 weeks! Haha. Tak tnye pn. Doc yg ckp sbb jelas haha

VIP Member

Mine 20 weeks. Don't forget to schedule for detail scan ya.

when is the best time to do detail scan?

32weeks. baby position wasnt right thats why.

16 week details scan 😊 baby girl 🌸

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