7 Replies

Like Bianca said, few simple things you can note to help motivate your child can be: - to embrace his/her imperfection - create fun way of doing things - have meaningful conversations with you. It'll make him look upon what you teach - reward - for every nice thing or nicely done thing. It'll help motivate to great extent. Also I liked @Chloe's Goal contract. It's something I never thought of. This might allow the kid to achieve some thing in any manner, which can bring out his/her creative mind

A reward system works wonders! You can try having a big chart documenting their progress in your living room or in their bedroom. Map out goals and then give them rewards for each one achieved. (It's up to you what rewards these will be) But remember no to put too much pressure on them but to keep reminding them that, in life, they have to earn and work for what they want. Fostering this productive process keeps them inspired while they're having fun. :)

By using a reward system! For every piece of good quality work they do, I reward them with a star sticker and for each star, I give them $0.10. After accumulating lots of stars, I bring them out to purchase toys/clothes/accessories they want with the amount of money they've earned. :-)

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Make sure when they work on projects. assignments or even extra work at home- it is creative and fun! use colours, use things with different textures!

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I created a my goals contract for my kids, similar to this.

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