How do I tell if my baby is having reflux? Care to share your stories on what remedies you used?

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I suspected my baby had reflux when he spit/vomit almost after every feeds during his 1st three months. I was very worried and consulted the doctor during his routine vaccination. The doctor said it is normal for baby to experience reflux due to their immature stomach and food pipe. As advised, It should not be a concern as long as baby does not spit more than 50% of his intake. It okay if he has healthy weight gain and 4-6 wet diapers per day. He also prescribed rid wind baby drops. I only used a few times on my baby because I was not comfortable with my baby taking medicine as such a young age. I just let him spit and monitor his weight gain. A few ways that I have tried to prevent him from spitting too much is to carry him in upright position for at least 20 mins after feeding. The reflux just disappeared by itself with he passed 3 months. I think baby will outgrow it when their organs mature.

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Reflux is when the baby brings up small amounts of milk (also known as posetting) / vomitting after eating. Some babies also might hiccup or cough and splutter a little. Reflux is quite common amongst babies and shouldn't be a concern as long as your baby is healthy & has enough wet diapers. My son had reflux when he was younger was to burp him every few minutes during feeding so that the might wouldn't come back up. My cousin said that having smaller feeds (means shorter intervals between feedings) also helped her cope with reflux.

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