3 Các câu trả lời

Nah. Never be afraid to discipline your toddler in public. But the best approach really is to stay calm. Don't match your toddler's intensity. You can help calm your kid down if you're also calm. And you can do any of these things: distraction (give them a toy or food they like, or point at something cute), acknowledge what their issue is (the source of their tantrum; say, "Yes, I know you want to play with mama's phone, but not now. maybe later if you're good"), be stern but not angry (I don't like that you're yelling at Mama. That's not nice. You're a good kid, right? So please stop yelling). Basta stay calm and wag kang mahiya mag-disiplina. Anak mo yan. You should care more about how to raise your child well, not how other people judge you for it.

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Hi mommy! Maaring makatulong sa'yo itong article na nabasa ko about discipline. https://sg.theasianparent.com/10-ways-to-stop-yelling-at-your-kid-cool-down-techniques/

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