5 Các câu trả lời

Nothing so spectacular about our first meeting. I used to live in a compound across the street where he was working. It was Christmas day 2011 and I was having problems with my AC unit so I went out to the laundry shop nearby and asked if they knew someone who could repair my AC. I left my number as I was in a hurry to go back home. At exactly 12MN, my phone rang with an unknown number. Someone gave out my number to the former stalker (now the hubby) instead of giving it to the AC repair man. And the rest is history...

Met him through a common friend and ended up with the same group of single men and women who would join church ministries together and go out and have fun together. We really enjoy each others company and eventually the friendship developed into romantic relationship.

We met in a party of a common friend, who introduced us to each other. We became good friends, then eventually he asked me to marry him. Yes, he didn't asked me to be his girlfriend. He proposed right away and I said yes. Haha!

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High schoolmates,we are being introduced by our common friends and after 6yrs.voila... baby number 1

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