28 Replies

Hi Cindy! I think we're on the same boat here. We stay in our room most of the time specially when they want to or planning to do something with him that I am not agreeing with.

I'd establish certain boundaries, and be firm with that. It's impossible for in laws to listen 100%, so giving some leeway (which means closing one eye sometimes) is important.

this is what works for our family, thank you for your awesome advice. or limit the time you're around them.

Yoah struggle, from when to feed him, how to bath him like hello!!! I am the mother

Luckily mine don't interfere. You need to be firm and maintain your standard

Just listen to their advice but it will always be you who will decide.

tell this to them. esp to your mother in law. haha.

actually father in laws talks more than they teach their own child. I will tell my dad off

cut them out after you give them a ⚠️.

silence is my best way to ignore them

Be very firm with them