Don’t tell them your next move. Hahaha.
No, seriously. Don’t tell anyone what you’re planning for your baby. Just let it be between you and your husband. If they ask, just say going out. If they see pics online, just say yeah, we went there. That’s it. No further explanation needed. Your husband needs to respect you and the privacy of his own little family. If they ask why never tell them, is there a need to? I just want some alone time with my husband and my baby, sorry. Rude, they’ll say but they’ll eventually back off.
My own mother is like that towards my brother’s baby twins. I told her to back off lah, they are first-timers, surely there are things that they want to do themselves as a family. She said my SIL is ok with her tagging along. I said of course, she don’t wanna hurt your feelings. Then I said do you like it if she wants to tag along with you and Dad whenever you wanna go out? No right? So respect their privacy. Eventually she learned to back off.