Baby not eating well at 11 mo
How come some babies can eat a bowl of porridge every meal? Mine sometimes refused to be spoon fed but also does not want to eat blw finger food offered to him

My toddler also doesn't like to eat. I consulted a dietician and she improved a lot after that. Set meal/snack time (including milk feeds) about 2- 3 hours apart, don't let baby snack in between. When it's mealtime, let baby decide whether or how much he wants to eat. If he refuses to eat anything, that's fine, the next meal time is only 2 hours away.By then he will be hungry enough to eat almost anything you give. At first my toddler chose to not eat for a few meals, then she slowly learns if she doesn't eat she will get hungry. Its important for babies to understand the feeling of being hungry.If we see baby doesn't want to eat and quickly made it up by giving some snacks they will not learn
Read moreI feel that at 11mo, u can replace 1 or 2 milk feeds with solids. I replace lunch with solids (3hr after last feed) and you see that they will eat more.
dont let your child snack in between ... i usually dont offer any snack 3 hrs before lunch. Also some kids are small eaters.