How can a dad-to-be help his wife go through the final trimester of her pregnancy - apart from buying her all that she craves? Any foot massages they can do at home?

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I feel like I am equipped to answer this question as I think I have been the luckiest pregnant woman in the world. Here are some amazing things hubby has done for me in this final trimester. 1. Keeping track of baby's progress and changes happening in my body He's been keeping abreast on all the changes/developmental milestones and even reading theAsianparent more religiously than me. 2. Reminding me how much he loves me He makes it a point to tell me he loves me the first thing in the morning and the last thing before sleeping. He sends me sweet text messages/emails in the day reminding me that bub and me are loved and in his thoughts. 3. Buying me all sorts of yummy and healthy things to eat. He makes it a point to go grocery shopping atleast once a week to stock up on food he thinks I should be eating (like birds nest, berries essence, fruits, veggies) and throws in a few bribes as well (like ice cream and chocolates). He does the grocery shopping by himself while I sleep in over the weekends. (and this is from a guy who swears by Redmart) 4. Oiling my bump and massaging my feet The moment he comes home from work, he drops his bag on the couch, and comes to the room to kiss me hello and sits by the bed with the bottle of oil and massages my feet and kisses my bump and oils it before we even eat dinner. 5. Randomly takes photos of me when I am out And then whatsapp's it to me telling me how beautiful he finds me. 6. Accompanies me on all gynea sessions He has not missed a single medical appointment and is the one to remind me of an upcoming appointment. 7. Thanks me He thanks me all the time for having his child - and acknowledges the sacrifices I have to make in order for us to be a family. I wish more men were like him. #lucky #blessed #besthusbandaward

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I appreciated my hubby making effort to come home early to accompany me. He would suggest movies to watch together and lets me lean on him when we sleep. This website gives a very good crash course on leg massage:

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Foot massages are the best. My husband gave me daily foot and shoulder massages, went to all the scans with me and was generally very excited about the child. He also reassured me that I was very beautiful even though I felt like a cow. Hahaha.

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My husbands bring me out every week for date nights which allows us to spend more time doing what we both love before the baby arrives. He gives me back rubs before heading to bed if he's back early from work.

Talk more to the wife and reassure her everything will be fine as pregnant woman tends to get nervous when the delivery day draws nearer. Foot massage is good to help to relief leg cramps.
