Honestly idk whats wrong with her. Recently my house had some reno work so husband & i stayed in her place. She invited us over because i was pregnant and with all the dust from the hacking she said its not conducive for me to stay and ‘risk’ my health & baby. Fine, i agreed. Im not too sure if any one of you can empathise but she’s a narcissist. And with these group of people, its never enough. Nothing i do is ever enough. Im 9 months pregnant and i stayed at her place for 14 days when the work was done at my place. Out of this 14 days, 11 days i was at work (i work shift). I leave home at 8am and i reach home at 9pm. I see her for an HOUR everyday. YET, this bloody women had the cheek to tell my FIL ‘oh she does nothing. My son does everything for her’ UM YEAH??? My husband WFH, he picks me up from the bus stop, takes out my meals, massages me at the end of the day because honestly im bloody tired after work. How dare she invites me over pretending to be this nice women and yet complains to my FIL about me. (Btw both of them are divorced and she’s remarried so idky she is still talking to him about me????) She has this habit of talking shit about every women who comes into her son’s life (his brothers wife/gf) and apparently no other women is better as if she is TOP TIER. She is making me hate her more every single day. My husband told me to ignore her because she’s been torturing us for the past 5 years ever since i was tgt w him. But how can i?? Shes a two faced bitch. Everytime i try to be nice i find out behind my back she says such stuff. And now, I DONT EVEN WANT HER NEAR MY CHILD. #firstbaby #pregnancy #pleasehelp

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This is very common, the same goes to my mil as well. Both my mil and fil are 2 face. I'm 37 weeks and this is my 3rd pregnancy. I stay very near my in laws because they said they will help to take care of my kids so that I am able to work in peace. But after my 2nd pregnancy, she doesn't even come over to help with confinement even though we just stay opposite with each other. She said she was busy entertaining guest because it's cny. Nvm, now I'm on my 3rd pregnancy, my in law don't even bother on my pregnancy at all. I was working part time, so that I am able to fetch my eldest and younger son after school. My mil is free, but she don't even bother to help me pick up my kids. I need to rush off from work, fetch the kids to their house for dinner. But recently, my tummy and back always feel very pain, I felt very tired as well. So I asked my husband to help me as he is wfh now. My in laws are very unhappy about this and question me, why am I at their house, where are the kids? I told them my husband went to fetch the kids instead as my tummy don't feel well recently. My fil was unhappy and said, I should be the one fetching my kids, if they are crying and need me to carry them home, just carry them, if I dont feel well, just let my son cry on the floor and wait till a stranger come and help me. I was so shocked with his answer. They are not helping and still said such a sarcastic remark to me. They always like to say nasty things to me when my husband is not around. My fil said he want to bring the whole family out for a holiday next year, he warned me that if I am pregnant again, he will bring the whole family for holiday while I stay at home alone to take care of my kids. He also suggested that I should C-sect for this pregnancy and ask the doctor to do the tubal ligation as well, so that I will not have any kids in the future. Tbh, I am very upset and angry with what they had said. Why must I be the one who need to sacrifice? Also, they keep saying that I should go back to work straight after I give birth. I worked in F&B industry and it is hard for me to take care of 2 toddlers and 1 infant if I were to go back to work. They said it very clearly that they do not wish to help us take care of the kids. It is very annoying, expecting me to earn money and work, do housework, take care of my 3 kids. My life feels worse than a maid. So if you feel that your in laws are toxic, just stay away from them, never let your kids be near them too. For those who have toxic in law, just depend on yourself, never depend on others. If they say anything nasty to you, just ignore and stay away from them. Also let your husband know what is going on as well. Jiayou mummy! Sometimes we might feel lonely and left out, but for the sake of our kids, let us be strong, jiayou mummy's!

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