4 Replies

You can visit a consulting homeopath which will take your child's history and give a 'constitutional' medicine. If the case history is well detailed and the medicine (and its power) is right, the doc might be able to solve myopia. I have confidence in homeopathy as I had autoimmune diabetes (genetic problem), Its cured and I am not on any medication right now. Also my mother is a consulting homeopath.

My son has been wearing specs since the time he was 7 years old. The eye specialist had said that it was genetic and that nothing couldn't be done to cure it completely. I have heard people mentioning about yoga and homeopathy but as per my eye specialist the structure of the eye cannot be altered by all this.

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You should consult a homeopathy doctor first. Do not try any medicines on your own. The doctor might be able to give you better information than anyone else.