Hey mummy! Depending on whether you'd like to do traditional or baby led weaning, there are different ways to prepare them - but generally, here are some guidelines that applies to both :)
Before starting your child on solids, make sure that he is ready - he has to be able to sit upright unsupported, and show signs of interest in your food (eg. smacking his lips, whining when you are eating, opening his mouth when you put food near his lips etc.) Some children take a little longer to be prepared, so they may only start solids at 7-9 months old :)
Once you determine that he's ready, you can start offering food to him! Start with one ingredient at a time so you can see whether he has an allergy to it, the general guideline is to offer one food (eg. banana) for 3 days - and if there's no adverse reactions then you can move on to the next one! After testing a few, you can start mixing/offering two different types into one if you're sure they both don't cause any reactions :) It'll help to write this down somewhere so you can note down what causes reactions and what doesn't!
All foods given to 1 year old and below should not have any seasoning/salt/sugar, so there isn't much of the recipes - what you can do is to use natural food to give the flavour :) For example, use chicken instead of chicken stock/cubes, vegetables for natural sweet flavours etc.
Also remember that the main source of nutrients below 1 year old is milk, so don't be too worried about offering solids before that :)