First time mom

Hihi, will be delivering soon, so wanted to find out more.... :) 1) What is the specific amount of milk (Bm/ Formula) I should give my new born for the first 2 to 4 weeks? 2) When bf, is it feed on demand each time or good to have timing for it? (2 to 3 hourly etc.) 3) How often do mommies give your babies bath in a week? 4) How do you usually make newborn sleep? Carry walk, Rock, pat etc? Do share your replies, Thank you in advance :D

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My newborn just turned 1-month old. I’ve been feeding her on demand, mostly every 2hrs. Will feed my expressed breast milk too at times. Depends on how much I can pump (usually between 50ml to 100ml). Breastfeeding is indeed tiring but have yet to start on formula. Will shower baby every morning after feed and wipe down in the evening. My baby needs to be rocked to sleep and have to make sure she falls into deep sleep before putting her down. Otherwise, she will fuss & cry and have to pat or carry her again. You do what suits best for you and baby. Lots of patience and most importantly, embrace parenthood! :)

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5y trước

Thank you so much dearie :)

start with maybe 40mls or lesser & see how much baby drinks, monitor for a couple of feedings the decide whether to increase or decrease amount. every baby is different if bf, feed on demand i bathe my lo only after cord dropped, all along sponge bath till it dropped then once every 2 days to prevent skin from drying out, newborns are generally pretty clean. i have never carried my lo to sleep, i put her in crib and let her self soothe as she prefers it that way & also offered soothie style pacifiers instead of flat ones

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5y trước

Thank you dear

5y trước

Nice! Thanks!