Hi mums, does your workplace have a proper room that you can pump at? My office doesn't have one, and i'll be the first breastfeeding mum if that happens... how do i request for such a facility?

You might want to point your employers to this guide published jointly by produced jointly by the National Trades Union Congress U Family, the Health Promotion Board and the Singapore National Employers Federation. The government offers grants and incentives to encourage organizations to set up nursing room - these include co-funding the construction of the room and grants. They also offer guidance on what a nursing room should contain. http://ufamily.org.sg/wps/wcm/connect/6a656078-fbe2-460f-8917-ebea23c24166/NTUC_PLG_Employer+Guide_Final.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
Read moreMy office doesn't have that facility as well and I'm the only one currently breastfeeding. Due to the lack of space they are unable to provide me with a room to pump. My manager lends me his room during lunch time. So I will be locked in his office and pumping under my nursing cover. Thank God for Freemie that makes it even easier. If it is inconvenient to pump in his office I will also pump in my car.
Read moreIf your employer is unable to provide you with a separate room to pump, please do NOT use the bathroom and instead try to pump in a comfortable place. If your cubicle is the type with high walls, you may consider getting an extension rod with curtain for some privacy. If not, you may just use a nursing cover and pump underneath or use Freemie cups.
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