Does any of your LOs have allergy to rice cereal? My LO has got some rashes (red patch with lots of little humps) after consuming it. She is a TBF baby. PD thought that it is eczema. Neither my husband nor me have eczema or any kinda asthma history. The rashes vanished after we stopped giving her rice cereal.

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Here are some symptoms of rice allergy: - skin rash - red eyes - a red rash around the anus - hives - dermatitis - facial swelling Rice allergy can also cause respiratory illness, with wheezing, runny nose, stuffiness or coughing and/or gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. Allergic reaction usually manifest when the child was given the food the second time. He/she may not have any symptoms during the first exposure. To find out more about rice allergy:

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