Hi mums and dads, any recommendation for some adventure night for couples? Thanks!

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I second reverse bungy at Clarke Quay as well. However one day my husband and I went to Universal studios by ourselves and did all the roller-coasters one after the other! It was amazingly fun to not have to tag the kids along and stop for toilet breaks and snack breaks in between! Universal Studios closes at 7pm so this can't be a night-time date. Think weekend! :D

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Have you tried reverse bungy at Clarke Quay? There are couple of rides that are just insane. If you and your partner are adventure types, this is something you should definitely try out http://www.gmaxgx5.sg/ Also, you can go for camping http://sgtravelinfo.com/things-to-do/camping-in-singapore-top-5-camping-places-in-singapore/ Have fun!!

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Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-308)

How about night fishing? If your'e going ultra fancy, then you can also choose to rent a yacht and sail into a night adventure! Check it out here: https://www.marinakeppelbay.com/yacht-fleet.asp

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How about night cycling and rollarblading? With the crazy weather in the day, I am sure it is much cooler to do these in the night and to get some workout done without getting the tan.

A night safari is good adventure for any couple.. Besides rafting and deep sea diving can be romantic and adventurous... Have you tried any overnight trekking??

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If Treetop obstacle adventure, kayaking, laser shooting sounds like yr thing; check this out: http://www.adventour.com.sg/activities.html

Running I think will be one of the best hubby and wife bonding moments. To make it adventurous, try running uphill. Indoor wall climbing is also fun!
