7 Replies

My younger son would do that. For some unknown reason, babies of that age need assurance a lot. Picture it...bcoz they are cuddled and hugged and carried plus the connect they made with you while you were pregnant with them is so strong emotionally that they can actually sense the connection being slowly distant. So maybe initially you and your husband may be facing this inconvenience of either making him sleep with you'll on your bed or you'll sleep near his bed. Another thing that helps is keep a picture of you and him or your husband and him close to his bed or crib...maybe imprinted on his blanket or pillow etc...and if you sing to him then keep a recording of your voice on in his room while you are putting him to sleep and let it continue to play on in a loop for the night. All that your baby needs is the comfort...it will wade off very quickly as it's just a phase of insecurity

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You can try cuddling him for a bit longer after he closes his eyes to ensure that he is in deeper sleep before placing him back on the bed. It sounds like your son has night terrors. Night terrors are common in young children and may occur when they are overly fatigued, stressed or sick. Maybe you can also try out some methods from this page: http://sg.theasianparent.com/how-to-help-your-child-sleep-through-the-night/ http://kidshealth.org/parent/medical/sleep/terrors.html#

This happen to my lo when he have not enough sleep during the day or played too much. Too tired and gets v cranky. Does he sleep alot in day time? as 18mo, I think one nap around 3hr nap is enough. Is the room temperature same as per normal? Recently the weather is kinda warm which will also effect their sleep. Normally I will feed my lo w water/milk and he will go back to sleep.

Well babies at that age starts to develop certain moods and its normal. Don't be scared about spoiling the baby, actually its best that their needs are met at this age as it will develop their trust and confidence. Soon they will learn to soothe self.. :)

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Don't let your baby sleep too much during the day. Also, I would probably feed my baby some milk or water before sleeping as I find it quite useful if they are full.
