7 Replies

There is no need to seek medication if you do not have fever (mastitis sign). For milk blister, you can do hot compression by applying heat using warm towel to soften the breast before pumping. If the blister is too stubborn, you can purchase sterilised needle from pharmacy to pop it. My friend had a stubborn blister and even massage lady didn't manage to clear it used sterilised needle to solve it. http://kellymom.com/bf/concerns/mother/nipplebleb/

VIP Member

Treatment for milk blisters include softening the blister by hot compression and removing the clogged duct. Your baby should be able to remove the duct after latching. My cousin also sought the help of a massage lady but it was her baby who eventually cleared out her clogged ducts. http://www.breastfeedingquest.com/milk-blister.html

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Try coconut oil! Im a fan of coconut oil and i use it for everything from myself to baby. Its really good :)

dpat po dirediretso ang padidi k baby PRA mwla un ms lalo sskit yn pag ka tinigil mo.
