Hi Mommies, my baby is turning 6 months this June and will be starting to eat solids. May I know what are the do's and don'ts in feeding my baby and what fruits/veggies do I give him?

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Hope you are breastfeeding till now. If so, start the solids with some fruit purees mixed with breast milk; so that baby gets used to the taste. Mashed veggies - potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, pumpkin etc. Fruits puree or mashed - apple, avocado, banana, plums etc. Make it a habit to introduce one new item every time and continue till 3 days at least; it makes sure to find out if the item is ok with your lo or he has any allergy. Apart from fruits and veggies, you can go for rice cereals (sometimes mixed with veggies such as broccoli or spinach). Fish would be the best first meat. Introduce in less quantities initially, as babies happen to constipate when introduced to solids. Find attached some don't that I have followed for my lo weaning.

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