Hi I'm currently breastfeeding my 7 month old daughter. I want to start weaning her from the breast hopefully by time she's 12months. My problem is that I don't have enough milk to pump for her for her beaker. She drinks water but not a lot as her milk is the favourite. So i if she won't go for the water In the beaker and I don't have enough milk to pump, what should I do. ?? I really don't want to give her formula not now we've gotten this far without it. Any advice appreciated she is my first child so haven't been down this road before. tia

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You can try to build up a stash first of an extra 1-2 feeds so as to help you not feel too stressed up with your milk supply. Then feed from the spare that you have but always pump to replace. That way you don't feel the stress to have to have the milk at the particular timing. Take some milk boosters for yourself if that works or try power pumping which I swear by. That can help you to boost your supply. Some mums whose bubs have started taking solids use power pumping to keep their supply up.

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