need help

hi i 28year I have a 11year old daughter still staying at home with both my parents n my 2 little sister my big brother is staying at work bt he come n visit nw n than my problem is tht my daughter is not happy at home let just family my parents always fight so things are not so gud at home n the wen never wen both my parents are not working it only me n my brother tht works n my other sister has a baby 1year 5m I been trying to fine my own place so I can move out as I can't support my daughter n my whole it hard. i just did a sonar 2day n I am 6week pregnant i dnt think I will be able to support my baby as the is still a lot of things I have not done for my daughter so I thinking of having an abortion please help wat must I do

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It’s completely up to u n how u can manage .. but in my opinion the tiny baby can’t be go away just like tht .. weather what ever the reason u must be strong n rise them .. all the days r not same n all the time is not urs.. just go on with time.. try to be strong in whatever the situation comes n rise ur kids well ..

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