25 Replies

Personally I feel that it is great for a start. Convenient and easy to purchase. It is also easily digest so that it will be mild on baby's stomach.

I feel that ceralac is a bit sweet for baby but organic ceral is too ex as I'm a sahm no income. but if I were to choose I'll choose organic ceral

cerelac got added sugar. u can try some brands like Hipp and some organic ones. those are without sugar. i got mine from cold storage.

Hi. You may find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/getting-started-on-solid-food-with-infant-cereals

My LO started with Cerelac ! convenient to get and affordable. i added bm during his feed!

some mummies say it's sweet. but organic is too ex can't afford.

Cereal rice cereal is too sweet IMO. I'm giving healthy times

VIP Member

Been giving Friso milk n cereal to my lo. She juz loves it

Cerelac contains sugar. I give my LO Healthy Times brand.

VIP Member

Yes. Cerelac is one of the famous brand

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