5 Replies

VIP Member

I guess it depends on the routine that he is used to it with. Gauge the time from the time he wakes up. This is my toddler schedule when he was turning 2years old. 7-8am - Wakes up (Breaskfast- Oatmeal) 11am - Lunch 1pm - Milk before nap time 1.30-3pm - Naptime 3-4pm - Wake up from nap (Teabreak) 6pm - Dinner In between, we would give him snacks. But if it's closer to meal times, we would control his snack intake so he will be able to have his meal.

If your baby is sleeping well and eating well, why do you want to interfere in his already set routine. All mothers have different routines for their babies depending on what time the baby wakes up and sleeps. So, unless you think that baby is not getting enough meals or adequate sleep because he has to be disturbed because of taking meals at particular hours, let him continue.

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Most of my friends give their children lunch at around 12pm. Why is it that you want to change your son's lunch time? If you are worried that he is hungry, try giving him a snack at around 10 or 10.30am?
