Feed wrong milk

Help!! I accidentally feed my one month old w 100ml of Ensure for adults instead of similac! Will it have any harmful effect on him???

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Close observe him.. as I was given my lo stage 6 instead stage 3 accidentally for 10 days n he got phylum n cough very much .. so better to check any discomfort ur lo facing , if nothing happens means it’s ok .. just try to double check before mix up next time

Thank you everyone. After worrying the whole night and day, he manage to sleep last night just more cranky. This morning manage to Poo and drink and seems ok. I’m Checking w ABBOT to see if there might be Any hidden side effects.

Just a final update, ABOTT called back and said it’s just nutrients and only 100ML hence it’s generally ok. Just watch for allergy or unusual signs. If not should be fine

Super Mom

Any vomiting/diarrhoea/rashes/eye swelling/difficulty breathing? Baby’s activity level and behaviour normal? Sleeping well?

Thành viên VIP

Do monitor for any syndromes. Like poo and pee is it ok? If need to consult PD since baby only 1 month old

Thành viên VIP

Pls monitor baby. If baby is cranky, or diarrhoea/fever, etc, pls bring to a&e

Super Mom

Do go a&e if there is allergic reactions.

Super Mom

If no allergies. See GP

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