Its normal. Saya even anak dah setahun lebih pun, still xbagi sapa2 bawak dia kluar without his mom. Bapak dia pun sama Unless pergi kedai kejap its ok. I only trust my parents n husband(sometimes) inlaw mmg a big NO. Pernah skli try, trip pergi langkawi, 2 cars konvoi. MIL insist nak cucu naik kereta dia. Fine, i provide pampers, susu 8oz,toys and crackers. From 12pm until 5pm. Boy i baru minum 1oz. Pampers x tukar(full).. i mcm Haih! Diam jela. Just ckp dgn husband, take back my son. Sbb if parents i n i jaga, i will make sure he drank all his milk within 2 hours. And for sure at 5pm i akan bgi susu baru. Tapi no, until now, only parents i yg i tau jaga cucu macam mana. Org lain eh NO
mom of 1tod and expecting ❤️