Brand of skincare for both Mummies and Babies

Hellooooo ... Can i ask ? What brand of skincare do u use on urself and baby , mind sharing ur opinions tooo ? =) I am considering Mustela ... Have known that product eversince i worked in Spring Maternity .. Super loved the baby lotion's scent .. Hehe ..

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I’ve been keen to use Mustela since I was pregnant for stretch mark cream, but I was gifted with Clarins gift set for Xmas so I’m not needing that now. Probably will buy Mustela set for my newborn nearer my EDD.

I used cetaphil baby as I was using it for myself due to sensitive skin (didn't like the normal Cetaphil smell)

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Mustela don’t work for my baby. I use California Baby, Offspring, Alobaby products

Ceradan advanced for baby. Prescribe by pd. It’s really good

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alobaby follow by ceradan barrier cream when necessary.

Cetaphil baby is good as well

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Aveeno works for my boy!

Ceredan barrier cream.

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Yes! I love mustela

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Used mustela too