14 Replies

Hi, Poridge with nicely boiled veggies, mashed fruits and vegetables, buttermilk. Basically, everything that is homemade and nicely minced and mashed is good for babies.

VIP Member

Hi... you can try some of these healthy snacks recommended in this article https://sg.theasianparent.com/improve-memory-kids-snacks

How about fruits? That should be the healthiest. I give others like pUffs n rusk though but I can say they are not that healthy

Celery sticks, Carrots, fruits, apple and yogurt, these are some of the snacks i give my lo.

Japanese cucumber, blueberries, banana, papaya, honeydew.

Soft fruits like banana, brocolli and dry cereals.

Puffs and dry cereal, avocado, homemade muffins.

Gerber puffs were my kids favourites.

VIP Member

Banana, sweet potato and pumpkin.:)

Puffs, banana and avocado

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