3 Replies

It really depends. I don’t think there’s ever a definite answer. I have been bleeding for about 2.5 weeks already. And have been on duphaston from the start. Bleeding continued even though the doctor increased the dosage to 3 times a day from 2. Have been having weekly scans since.

Me too... sounds like a similar situation as yours... I've got a history of preterm miscarriage... thus this spotting is the first time I'm experiencing pregnancy after a loss... I went back to KKH after 4 days of still spotting despite on Duphaston just ystday and they check cervix couldn't tell anything. From gestational sac there's now a small yolk... how did your weekly scan went?

other than Duphaston, maybe can check in with your gynae if a (proluton depot) jab is required if the bleeding continues.

perhaps a progesterone injection may help? can check with your gynae on it. all the best!

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