7 Replies

Hi! bunnies are generally pretty clean creatures so shouldn't be much of an issue? I fostered 2 cats throughout my pregnancy, 1 with FIV & did most of the work myself like clearing litterbox, feeding & all & had no issues 😬 Also have dogs of my own, 1 sheds & the other has skin problems n I meal prep their food on top of all that, they eat raw. At the end of the day just be sure to wash ur hands & all & honestly it's up to personal comfort lvls I guess?

Hi, throughout my pregnancy I’ve handled my bunny poop and daily housekeeping without wearing gloves. Their poop is safe not like the cat’s. I also give daily head rubs and hugging. Did not affect my baby at all.

I was pregnant while having a bunny and everything turned out alright. so don't worry. in case you're still highly concerned, consult your gynae they'll advise you further :)

Generally it is safe with rabbits. Observe basic hygiene should be fine! Hope bunny feels ok! I also have a pair of very old bunnies, understand how you feel ❤️

Hello, I used to be a ex vet back in Australia. Rabbit poops are okay! Unlike cat poop

No issues for rabbit is not like cat poop


how about pee no issues too?

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