273 Replies

27 weeks and look as big as 40 weeks. I constantly have to explain my over size tummy...sadly :-(

Yes it has and with stretch marks around it. Please will the stretch marks heal after delivery

I'm 37 weeks and my belly button hasn't popped it has flattened out but not popped out yet

No, not yet and I'm six months already! What time does it usually pop out if it does pop out?

I am 33 weeks and my belly button hasn't popped. No linea negra or stretch marks either!

Mine never did. It just protruded a little but not to the point that it is inside out.

definitely. pretty bad, my nephew thinks it was my babys lips. and always kissed it.

mine just popped out about a week ago at week 36! it is such a weird feeling! haha.

It never did because I had surgery near my belly button and it was stitched

Yes. And it is so poppy that I have to cover my outie anytime I'm talking.

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