Has your baby experienced diarrhea while teething? What did you do about it?

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According to this research, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1071026/ teething an diarrhea are not usually associated. Reason why parents usually charge diarrhea due to teething is because during this stage for babies, they normally put anything on their mouth whatever is reachable with their hands, thus pick up bacteria that can cause diarrhea. But what we must actually do is consult our PD and try to find out the real cause why baby's tummy is upset. Nevertheless if teething and diarrhea simultaneously happens, make sure that baby is properly hydrated, her toys are cleaned and avoid feeding her with foods that might trigger the illness.

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My nephew has been suffering diarrhea the past few days and sister said that it's because he is teething. I dunno what her reference is, but apparently another tooth is really coming out. So what she does is give the baby things that soothes him like frozen veggie sticks, teethers or pacifiers.

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My baby has an erupting tooth and is experiencing diarrhea since yesterday. I just breastfeed her more often to keep her hydrated.