2 Replies

Super Mum

Hi there yes! What week are you at and what's the current baby weight? My diagnosis was IUGR and my baby was <5th percentile, born at 35+6 weeks, 2kg. I think it's fine if you want to change your diet, just don't stress out about it whether it helps or not. My doctor didn't advise any change in diet as he said it wouldn't make a difference but I still tried to eat a lot of avocado, beef, milk etc. It was very stressful as my weight kept rising like crazy while baby's weight was more or less the same. In the end it really didn't help and I felt the stress wasn't worth it. So most important thing is staying positive, my baby still came out small but gained weight quickly after coming out and now at 15 months she's on the chubby side and absolutely perfect 😊 so please don't worry about it. Hang in there and feel free to ask any question!

Hi can i know at which week were u diagnosed with iugr? My baby is less than 5 percentile and I’m at my 28th week when i was told about this. Pretty devastating to see baby growth mark falls weekly. Wasn’t given any form of medication buy doc says to monitor on a weekly basis.. wondering how else can i cope with this :(

Am currently experiencing this as well. I found out about my IUGR at 33 weeks. So, within a week, I tried to eat more and drink more milk etc. But, baby is still measuring small at below 5 percentile. My dr did mention that there’s nothing much I can do as it’s because of placenta insufficiency but I wanted to atleast do something. But I guess there’s really nothing much I can do than hoping for the best and that he’ll grow to atleast above 2kg. Then, he doesn’t have to go into NICU.

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