painful edema, currently 34 weeks

Has any of you experienced edema where it's painful when massaged or pressed into? Mostly having it on my feet. And was prescribed Frusemide to help with it... Still considering if I should take it as it's a drug for cardiovascular diseases. Thanks in advance!

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as a nurse from cardio ward, fluid retention actually linked to cardio. (heart weakens->pump lesser blood->fluid build up slowly causing edema) if your gynae prescribe the med, do take it. she wouldn't give something you shouldn't take, mummy. its for you and your baby sake. other than that, do drink lots of water to counter the edema. if you dont drink, your body will send signal to keep water already in you to stay in your body. and don't forget to pee, elevate your legs.

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Super Mom

Frusemide actually works on the kidneys to increase water excretion. It’s given for multiple medical reasons, not just cardiovascular diseases. If your gynae approves of it, then please take it?

5y trước

thanks for the advice, will do