My husband is the eldest and the only son

So he has to cater all the responsibilities for his family which for my mother in law and sister in law, sometimes to the point that he couldn’t support me as his wife bcs the money spent more for his family, sometimes we don’t have enough money to eat or go to work. His dad is also working but couldn’t provide much for all. I’m also working and I have to carry the responsibility to earn more money so we can survive. There are times that i feel so tired and angry with all of these bcs I do two works just to support more. What do I do? I love him and his family, but sometimes i feel unimportant and set aside. Sometimes i feel he priors his family more than me. Is this something that I should be okay about? Do I really have the right to feel upset about this? I don’t wanna be a bad person, but I want a better life.

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1)talk to him about this even it is hard and how awkward it is 2) he should know who need him the most since his dad is working too 3) make him aware of his responsibility without burden u up

6y trước

yup.. u r right. btw, he is not the only 1 child of your family in law. the one n only son cant be the excuse for other sibling 2 let him carry the responsible by himself.