low milk supply..

it has been 5 days aftr giving birth to my LO.. im pumping/latching every two hours.. each session ½ hour at least.. supply each time about 30ml in total for both sides.. feels so little..:( anyone experiencing th same? wt should i do??

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lactation cookie/brownie offer just a few teaspoons of milk-boosting herbs spread throughout the entire batch and then are drowned in SUGAR and CARBS to mask the taste. Some lactation cookies have as much as 25 grams of sugar in one serving - that's the maximum amount of sugar most women should have in ONE DAY. So dont take too much of lactation cookie, its not good. Try something else to boost milk supply, such as legendairy milk supplement, and also eat oats, spinach etc. Its healthier. Heard a lot of good reviews about the supplement. Maybe you can try and look out for reviews and see if u want to try. I will try the supplement once i give birth to my girl.

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