Halal confinement food
Hi, has anyone tried confinement food from Sizzling Dyyana recently? All the reviews online are pretty old from pre 2020. Can share your experience if you have? Or any halal confinement food service you have tried and would recommend? #confinementfood #confinement
I enquired with both kak Dyy and ummu. Ummu was slightly cheaper only so I took ummu and also cos they deliver twice a day as compared to kak Dyy. But my sis took kak Dyy when she was pregnant last year and she sang high praises for her. Food was great, and helped her a lot with milk production. My experience with ummu was good. Ummu's menu changes every meal, so you will never get bored. They're quite tasty, and helped with my milk production as well. Problem is I'm a picky eater, so I pick and choose what I want to eat and I end up wasting more food.
Read moreUmm me and another mummy will say avoid Naddy Cooks please. Trust us on this. I struggled through a month worth of 😔 However my friend liked sizzling Dyyana (2021-23) and sometimes order for her normal meals?! I think all the businesses have similar pricing so its just a matter of luck getting a good meal
Read moreOh no! I just made full payment to naddy cooks! Is it bad?????
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u can try ummu_fazwill_sg_confinement this is really good so far based on my experience. Tasty meals and nutritious. Find it on Instagram.
Ordered with ummu for my confinement meals back in Aug 2022. Food was yummy. Twice a day set meals, including drinks and dessert! They even cater to days that you want delivered - I specifically asked for delivery during weekdays for 4 weeks 🤗 Yes, portions are quite big; shared my meals with Mum 😆. Helped me lose postpartum weight & had good milk production. Their service helped because no headache to decide what to eat for that day! So can just focus on baby & recovery 👍🏻