2 Replies

I delivered in March as subsidised patient and also asked if I could do that (my first choice was water birth). The short answer is no, unless the doctor on duty that day subscribes to such methods and knows how to deliver safely in this manner. I ended up just staying home longer after my water broke and laboured at home by walking up and down slowly before going to the hospital. So I was at the hospital at about 6cm dilated so I was in and out within 1/2 hour 😅 Choosing birth positions typically come with choosing the doctor which means you’ll be classed as private

Super Mum

I'm not sure if u can, both times and in diff hospitals, i coulnt move around, i had baby heartbeat tracker wire strapped on, cant move side to side if i do, the nurse will come in advice not to move much cos they wanna track babys heartbeat. When it was time to deliver, my doc came in and lift my legs up with nurse at one side. Then pushing process begins.

for this mommy, isit coz ur on epidural that's y they don't let u move and keep u strapped on?

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