Has anyone done a hypnobirth? What was your experience? I had a c-section for my 1st one and am considering a hypnobirth vbac for my 2nd.

I do not personally know anyone who has tried this, but from what I’ve read [someone (batgirl_cdn) wrote about her experience in this forum: http://forum.singaporeexpats.com/viewtopic.php?t=56041; this article offered a few accounts from mothers who have tried this: https://www.nuh.com.sg/news/media-articles_1732.html; a review blogpost by a mother who used hypnobirthing: http://ramblingsofsneakymum.blogspot.com/2011/10/hypnobirthing-in-review-marie-mongan.html], the general take is that pain is manageable, the delivery was also shorter. Apart from Four Trimesters, you can also consider these companies which offer hypnobirthing classes: - ChildBirth Odyssey http://www.childbirthodyssey.com/hypnobirthing/ Contact: 6100 9863/ 9863 7867(HP) - Parentcraft Centre (at TMC): http://www.thomsonmedical.com/hypnobirthing-classes/ Contact: 6251 4090 - Parentlink: http://www.parentlink.org/classes/hypnobirthing/ Contact: 6536-4626 - Zama Birthing http://zamabirthing.com/class-information/ Contact: 90012738
Read moreI have some friends who engaged a doula and attended hypnobirthing course and find it is very helpful in pain relief. The course fees is not cheap. You can try to call up "fourthtrimester" to check out the details on course content and fees.
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ive not heard of a Hypno birth, sounds interesting and definitely expensive too. how is it done?