Hai all mummieys, i’m newbies.. i’m 4week 6day pregnant.. may i know in first trimester i can drink nescafe 3in1 or not? Please give me the coment n thank you☺️

if im not mistaken,u are only allowed to take less than 200mg of caffeine a day. thats around 12oz. but its best to avoid it because it can interfere with ur hb and ur baby development. and 3in1 has lots of sugar and u definitely want to control ur sugar intake. nanti tak tentu pasal kena gdm.i suggest u minum sekadar to satisfy ur cravings je.😅
Đọc thêmhi dear. boleh minum cuma kene kurangkan. smakin besar kandungan, elok elakkan. mnuman bkafein boleh menyebabkan penyerapan zat besi terganggu dan hb mommy akan bkurangan. dan gula dalam mnuman 3 in 1 ni sgt tgi. kene elak jugak sbb takut mommy kene gdm (kencing manis)..💜💜
ur welcome dear..🤗
Hoping for a child