4 Các câu trả lời
Kalau pregnancy ibu is a healthy pregnancy, then boleh buat senaman ringan, jalan itik, squatings, bersama dgn suami and of course banyak berjalan. Jangan takut dgn induce semua, I went through my first induction and it went well and great 🥰. Ibu kena selalu trust your body dgn baby. Normally ibu yg kena induce sbb overdue and x de tanda nak bersalin, sbb tu kena induce. Macam I dulu so excited to get induced sbb I dah 40 weeks 6 days, x sabar nak jumpa baby. Then I bersalin vaginally at 41 weeks on dot. Kalau ibu buat proper breathing exercises, ibu boleh tahan sakit or even lupa pasal sakit. Remember induce ni to help you to deliver on time and make sure your baby is born healthy 😍 I ada share gambar, cara-cara nak cepatkan proses bersalin juga tapi jgn buat secara lasak and sometimes semua ni perlukan doctor's advise ya.
skrang pon rasa sakit juga tp still buat kerja double excise sujud lama skit moga cepat jalan terbuka 😁
Hafal zikir nabi Yunus & byk kn buat kerja rumah (exercise). Alhamdulillah sy hny 3 jam di labor room dah bsalin.
Saya tambah sikit , surah yusuf . InsyaaAllah lagi dipermudahkan .
sama 37 week 2 hari dinding faraj dh lembut tunggu turun tanda baru blh g hospital sbb hospital penuh
mana mana sis thu dinding faraj dah lembut..🤔