Botol susu untuk newborn

Hai mommies, boleh tak suggestkan botol susu untuk newborn saya, saya menyusu badan dan pam susu, awalnya saya guna tommee tippee tpi puting dia laju sangat even ambik yg slow pun, sekarang saya guna botol biasa je tpi baby saya jd nipple confuse pulak😅#firstbaby #firstmom #seriusnanya

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For newborns, what i know is best is to df/bf, or cup specially for milk feed macam medela tu, or using spoon to avoid the possibility of nipple confuse, even the hospitals uses spoon / cup to feed newborns ☺️ If mmg nak use bottle, i’ve used philips natural with teats 0, till my kid was about 3yo still 0 sbb nak mimic bf, lagi slow lagi better so that dia akan rasa lagi best df

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