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Hai ibu2.. Nak tanye ada tak baby ibu2 kt sini kene mcm ni.. Dah tnye doktor tapi dia bagi ubat sapu jee.. Tapi sye tngok mcm makin banyak pula.. Baby baru 5 hari #pleasehelp

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Hi sis... try pegi farmasi tnye ubt ape yg sesuai utk bby u.. tp kne bwak bby skali tunjuk kat farmasi to.. b4 dis my bby pon kne lg teruk smpi luka2..kesian die.. I tgk pon mcm sakit.. I pegi farmasi die bg I ubt sapu Fucidin H tp die bg skali ngn moisturizer.. sb ubt to kwat sgt.. alhamdulillah.. baek dah.. ubt nie baek.. tade kesan langsung.. cantek je kulit bby I.. Sis bole la try ye

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kesiannya baby. better g klinik swasta atau hospital terus. takut makin melarat pulak. pastikan jugak tempat tidur, persekitaran semua bersih. baby kecik lagi, kulit masih sensitif

kalau ruam sis boleu pakai herbal cream dri shakleee .. mur pon mur . ank sy pakai dlm 3 hari dh ok .

Kalau baby smpai demam kena bawak ke hosp sis tkut kena antibiotic je Kesian baby kecik lagi Semoga cpt smbuh

maybe tmpt persekitaran dia kotor..lg2 tmpt tido dia..kene selalu bersihkan

rujuk doc sis..klnk swta..doc bg cream..insyallah cpt baik nti

allahuakhbar...moga cepat baik ye baby..

Sy tolg google. Nnt dia hilang sendiri sis

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3y trước

rythema toxicum is a common, splotchy red rash that can affect newborns. Some have firm yellow or white bumps surrounded by a flare of red. The rash tends to come and go on different parts of the body. It is most common on the second day of life, but can appear at birth or within the first two weeks. › pmc

semoga cepat sihat yee baby...