i need help!

hai. may i know is it harmful to health or to baby if consume soya milk during pregnancy?

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I drink sugar free soy milk and almond milk most of the time since I couldn't take maternal milk and my Dr didn't say anything bad about it though. not sure about the saying of soy milk causing sensitive skin but my two other friend consume soy milk on daily basis during pregnancy and baby born just fine, no skin issue and is very fair and white.

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i heard soy milk is not really good for baby skin , watermelon one triangle piece per day is good for baby skin. but there is also this one famous product that based is soy milk and recommend for pregnant mommies so need to really learn abt the product first.

Bole sekadar hilangkan ngidam tp jgn ambik sbb org ckp utk buat kulit baby putih.. Soya slh satu punca kulit baby jd sensitif lps lahir.. Kebayakan baby yg kena eczema.. ibu semasa mengandung consume soya sbgai minuman harian..

selalunya kulit baby jadi sensitif . contoh nya kalau kena gigit nyamuk terus naik bengkak atau bintat yang besar . kawan saya ada masalah macam ni , anak buah saya pun sama .

tak ada masalah minum soya. cari yang kurang manis macam VSoy Original tu. soya bagus untuk kurangkan pedih perut sebab dia meneutralkan asid perut. 😊

Boleh minum soya tapi untuk sekadar hilangkan ngidam. Can't drink everytime sbb soya sejuk untuk baby tak elok. Eat more healthy food to make your baby strong and healthy.

semasa saya pergi checkup dekat klinik kerajaan doc kata susu soya tarik zat besi.so not recommended for my consumption

My doctor said avoid soy milk as it can affect the baby's skin once she/he born. The baby's skin will have problem.

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boleh minum tp jgn byk2.. secawan je ok dh..tu pun klu teringin sgt nk mnum.. buat lega tekak je

sy ada terbaca yang soy milk boleh buat kulit baby putih gebu bila lahir tp kulit dia akan jadi sensetif.

6y trước

ur welcome😊