3 Replies

Sorry you have to deal with this. I had an ectopic pregnancy last year and I too was in a dilemma and filled with guilt. Was admitted so they could monitor my HCG levels and in case of any rupture. It was still very early so they couldn’t see much too. I waited a few days until the HCG rly did not double as it was supposed to and then decided to get the MTX shot. After the shot I started bleeding and the HCG levels started to go down. I also ended up going for surgery to remove my ovarian cysts this year and that helped with conceiving. Don’t give up hope and take care of yourself.

Thank you so much. I went to NUH last Thu as I started to see bright red bleeding and left abdominal pain. Dr confirmed my case was ectopic and removed one of my fallopian tube as it was swollen and damaged. Now in recovery stage. Take good care too!

i had ectopic pregnancy before which resulted in my left tube to be ruptured. if you’re feeling sharp abdominal pain and feeling very weak and faint, plus with the bleeding, do rush to the hosp. The internal bleeding might cause your life to be in danger if you ignore it.

abt the same situation as u now. 2nd pregnancy. suspected ectopic too but my hcg level doubled in 2 days. still experiencing light spotting now. 5wks still too early to see sac/bby. if there is no risk, pls wait

Thank you. Hope we are both fine 🙏🙏

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