Bad cough / itchy throat / random coughing fit. 2nd trimester. What off the shelf med is safe?

Had a fever last week which I took Paracetamol that I bought from hospital.. now that there’s no fever it developed into a cough. Will go into a coughing fit when my throat is triggered eg dry (already spamming loads of water so ok) or suddenly very itchy somehow it’s uncontrollable.. idk if it affects baby cos even my lower pelvic muscle also feel ache w the cough.. once the spree is over I’m back to normal. Just a lot of phlegm Any mommies experienced same before and took OTS meds to rid the cough? Still haven’t got the chance to go GP, thinking of self medicating first

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I had bad cough for almost one month too. The cough fits were so bad that I involuntarily leaked for quite a bit. The cough syrup that Doctor prescribed me did not help my condition at all. Personally, I tried hot ginger water. Just slice ginger into pieces and boil it in water. Drink it for a few days.. Hopefully it helps in your case. Wish you a speedy recovery soon!

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4mo trước

Did u leak amniotic fluid ?